Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Quaker song Walk in the Light

There's a Light that was shining
when the world began,
And a Light that is shining in the heart of man:
There's a Light that is shining
in the Turk and the Jew,
And a Light that is shining, friend,
in me and in you.
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be,
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be!
In my old leather breeches and
my shaggy, shaggy locks,
I am walking in the glory of the Light, said Fox.
With a book and a steeple and a bell and a key
They would bind it for ever-
but they can't, said he.
O, the book, it will perish, and the steeple will fall,
But the Light will be shining at the end of it all.
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be,
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be!
In my old leather breeches and
my shaggy, shaggy locks,
I am walking in the glory of the Light, said Fox.
"If we give you a pistol,
will you fight for the Lord?"
"You can't kill the devil with a gun or a sword."Will you swear on the Bible?"
I will not," said he,
"For the truth is as holy as the Book to me."
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be,
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be!
In my old leather breeches and
my shaggy, shaggy locks,
I am walking in the glory of the Light, said Fox.
There's an ocean of darkness
and I drowned in the night
Till I came through the darkness
to the ocean of Light;
You can lock me in prison
but the Light will be free.
And I'll walk in the glory of the Light, said he.
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be!
Walk in the Light, wherever you may be!
In my old leather breeches and
my shaggy, shaggy locks,
I am walking in the glory of the Light, said Fox.

Walk In The Light !!!!!

Source: www.friendsmedia.org/kidsquake/printables/WalkInTheLight.pdf

Today's Quakers

Quakers today have changed a lot. They no longer face major challenges from prejudice. They are mostly normal middle-class people. Even though their culture has changed, they still have the same values. They dress simply and keep the same ideals and interests.

Information From: http://www2.gol.com/users/quakers/todays_quakers.htm

Friday, October 10, 2008

Quakerism Today

Quakers today live very much like people from any other religion. They live normal, everyday lives and are not at all, like the Amish, a common misconception.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Quakerism Today

Seeing as this blog is about modern quakerism,we would like to show you many aspects of the quaker religion. You can help by posting comments to this site to tell us how to make it better. New features are our Quaker terminology at the bottom of the page. Thank you, and please vote in oursurvey and leave comments!
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